President Rose welcomed guests (apologies for misspellings): Elizabeth, Megan, Kimberly, and a fourth guest who came with Claudia.
Rose also did a brief introduction of board members present.
We need a new education committee person as Monica had to resign. Please talk to Rose for information.
Fat quarter give aways - we had four February birthdays.
Rose pointed our the freebie area by the sink. Members can bring or take goods as desired.
Marcia discussed the March workshop/lecture with Deb Grifka (see our website post for more details). We currently have 17 spaces filled; after Feb. 14, registration will be open to the public. Marcia will be sending out supply lists as well as asking for volunteers from the class to help with teacher transportation, etc.
Please pass on any ideas you might have for possible future teachers to Marcia - this is your chance to host people you would like to learn from!
Shelly pointed out the Quilt In A Box swap table (there are 17 members in this swap). There will also be a mystery quilt clipboard on the same table for participating quilters to take (and sign off on) their clues.
Membership cards are available at the sign in table. Also we have new business cards to hand out at QuiltCon for any members attending.
There was a representative from the Southern Comforters guild present with their raffle quilt and selling tickets.
Mary reported that the 2018 guild retreat will be held at Pearlstone in November (there was no space remaining at Skycroft when they called to reserve). Housing at Pearlstone is dormitory style with bathrooms in the hallway. We will have two rooms to sew in. The price for retreat includes all meals. 23 people raised their hands showing interest in attending. Janet and Mary will finalize the details, make reservations and alert the membership to register.
The group needs volunteers to organize the retreat for 2019, starting in April. Names will be taken at the March meeting and work should be done by June.
Janet reported that we have five volunteer groups to make major prize quilts for this year’s bingo event in the fall. Each group has two organizers, a long arm quilter and a volunteer binder.
The first two quilts will begin this month. Members are requested to make at least one block for each of these quilts. Sara and Laura are collecting Pointless Star blocks made with ‘denim’ blue, warm brown and dark orange on low volume backgrounds (details available in Members Area of our website). Cindy and Judy are handing out background squares, asking for Slash-and-Insert blocks made with 1” wide turquoise, gold or white strips. The blocks should be finished and handed in at the April meeting (when the next two quilts will begin construction).
Rose held a drawing of the left over fabrics from our 2016 charity quilt - three bundles were awarded by door prize ticket drawing and two patterns from Linda (new). Five winners in total.
There were demos of five different rulers:
Bonnie Hunter's Easy Triangle Ruler:
Curve Ruler:
Flying Geese x 4 Ruler:
Pixelated Circles Ruler:
Quarter Square Triangle Ruler;
MJ held our first Block Lotto drawing for the Candy blocks. 24 of these were won by Valerie. The lotto drawings will be held every other month so MJ will be distributing instructions for the April drawing soon.
There was a 1 Hour Basket swap table with our swap baskets from the Lancaster Modern Guild. 19 members swapped baskets which contained various gifts. The photo at the top of this post shows the results.
Following are the show and tell quilts shown:
Kate Lane showed her Sarah Bond blocks and the front and reverse of her Tshirt quilt.
Mary Sloat showed her New York Beauty quilt and a pillow made from the remnants.
Becca Ruch showed a large strip pieced quilt and her Goldfish fleece hat.
MJ Snyder showed two baby quilts she made for friends of her daughters.
Janet Schoenfeld showed her quilt made a la Kathy Doughty.
Carol Rubin showed a large block quilt that had been all green and disliked - she rescued it by adding orange squares; a large quilt made for her granddaughter for her Bat Mitzvah; and a small disappearing nine patch quilt made with charm squares.
Gayne Barlow Kemper showed a quilt made for her son titled Call Home.
Erin Neuland showed her mystery quilt, quilted by Shelli, a bag made
from the pixelated circles workshop and a quilt for her unborn son.
Diane Winter showed a bag she made that has an internal frame.
Jane Schiemer showed a cool colored curved strips quilt, a fan shapes quilt,
a quilt made with the Curved Ruler shown in one of the demos and a last quilt
made with a template designed by Man Quilting.
Pat Simmell showed a heart quilt she made for her daughter's friend.
Judy Dunlop showed a quilt she sewed at retreat (and gave the pattern away).
Sue showed a Cascade quilt from Victoria Findlay Wolfe's newest book.
Monica Richardson showed a retirement quilt for a Navy person and a Raspberry Kisses quilt.
Christina B. showed a little Gingham quilt she made for her daughter.
Jenn Paulson a gift for her sister called Maypole Quilt from Suzy's Quilts.
Shelli Smith shared Orange Trifecta and A Place To Quilt.

Kira Pashton shared a baby quilt each made for her daughter and son who are due in June.
Judy Hyatt showed a quilt made for her daughter's friend.
Cindy Bartels shared a quilt made for her by Mary Thomas as part of the ALS fundraiser.
minutes and photos taken by Linda Schiffer
please forgive any mistakes or omissions
and PLEASE write legibly on the sign in sheets! :)