BMQG General Meeting, August 11th, Arbutus Public Library
Rose Daley lead the meeting. We had three visitor/new members. As usual, members whose birthday was in August chose fat quarters courtesy of the guild.
Business: By-laws review: Rose and the board have been reviewing and correcting our guild by-laws over the summer. They will be posted on our website later this week and members will vote on them in September.
New committee proposals: We need two to four people to volunteer to work on each of the following committees - please talk to Rose or Daniela for details.
Member Care/Sunshine
Members Only Workshops
New Member Welcoming
This is Officer Nomination season - we need two or three volunteers to server; each guild office needs at least one new person to serve during the coming year (beginning Jan. 1st).
Education: Marcia announced that the next workshop in November will feature Michelle Wilkie teaching inspiration to improvisation. Signups will open after the September meeting. In March, Timna Tarr will teach Map Making. Heather Kojan will teach in June.
Program: Andee will lead today’s program on Impulse Buys: Hot or Not? She will also share stretching exercises for quilt makers. In September, the new Head Start charity program director will discuss their program for homeless children and we will begin the collection of quilts for this project (including the proposed animal theme quilts). There will also be round-robin demonstrations. In October, there will be a second set of demos and a presentation of the 2017 QuiltCon Best in Show quilt Bling. In November there will be a trunk show/lecture by Michelle Wilkie. In December we will have our holiday party.
Retreat: Daniela reminded members that the dates for retreat are October 3-6; day passes are still available until September 1st.
Members are reminded to get their copy of our Crab Logo pattern from Cindy.
2020 Quilt Bingo: We are beginning to organize and make the major prize quilt projects now with two request - Linda Schiffer is chairing a book block quilt and Daniela is requesting 12.5” house blocks with a white background and green grass base.
Northside Bee: This group will hold its August meeting on the 19th at Bear's Paw - this is a week early due to the store's class schedule.
Sue Hall donated a finished quilt for bingo prize - made from Tula Pink material from the 100 blocks pattern:
Impulse Buys: Hot or Not? included the following items:

Andee presented a bright light she loves for hand work
that hangs around her neck and folds up for storage.
Rose shared her Trio Sewline marking pen with three colors of lead (dark, pink and light); she did NOT like the June Tailor strip cutting ruler which won't cover the entire width of folded fabric for cutting.
On the opposing opinion side, Carol loves her Stripology ruler which she uses to square up blocks as well as to cut strips quickly; she especially likes that it has 1/4" division.
Valarie showed a set of Mariner's Compass rulers that she
finds way too complex for use.
M J raved about her Swirly Girls nonskid circle cutting ruler.
Mary Cunningham raved about her Hang It Dang It quilt mounting system which comes in a couple of lengths and balances on a single point; she found the pre-made quilt sleeve much less useful.
Phyllis reported that the half square triangle trimming tool was
great but had slippage during use, which she solved with True Grips.
Marcia reported that she bought a hanging system that works like
Command Strips but is magnetic - use a metal rod to mount your quilts.
Megan raved about That Purple Thang which includes a
styletto, 1/4” seam depth measure, and elastic threading bodkin.
Janet likes these mesh zipper pouches and her new Kai brand scissors.
Jane reported on 'self-healing' rotary cutting mats by Quilters Select - which
AREN'T self healing and the company did not respond well to her complaints.
Monica shared a passle of new notions including a half square triangle marking ruler which is green and has a cutting line to mark (made by Fons&Porter?); a handle with suction cup for holding rulers; a marking pencil with chalk by Sewline; an 1/8th inch Quick Cut ruler for foundation piecing and a 4-in-1 tool which includes a seam ripper, stiletto, hand pressing iron and turning/stuffing point.
This member shared a ruler with foam grip circles that does not slip.

Jane Schiemer—Postcards from Sweden
Jane Schiemer - her very first quilt, finished at long last.
Diana Bear—the Featherweight Bag
Judy Dunlap—her Riley Blake challenge mini quilt.
Also the “Maker’s tote.”
Marcia Shwartz—her logo crab block which will be a pillow.
Also a mini quilt and a guild charity donation quilt
Rose (and then Monica and Sue) shared her Wefty needle woven pillow from MAQ.
Rose is making her class projects into small quilts including these
two from classes with Virginia Findley Wolfe and Carolyn Friedlander
Mary Concannon
Mary Scoat shared her Northcott Stonehenge challenge
quilt and a baby dress made for her newest grand-daughter.
M J Shared her bag made with the guild's Crab logo, a Headstart charity quilt with owls, a Maker's Tote and it's associated clamshell zipper pouch, and a small machine embroidery project from Bear's Paw.
Denise Fedde
Stephanie Strunge
Carol Rubin showed a baby quilt for our Headstart project.
Carol also shared a quilt she designed in EQ8, inspired by the Red&White show in NYC several years ago; she used the circle ruler MJ shared in the notion program to piece this.
Susan Brightman shared a quilt made with fabrics she printed and colored herself using Shiva Paintsticks and rubbing templates.
Janet May finished her Kathy Doughty class quilt and it
was quilted by Marie O'Haver.
Minutes and photos taken by Linda Schiffer
All mistakes are my own! :)