Saturday, September 26, 2020

 The Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild is thriving despite a crazy year. 2020 was not at all what anyone expected, but check out all we have done for the month of October in our guild meeting

The guild meeting was filled with a dreamy home tour of many members' sewing spaces. Thank you to those who took the time to clean and show your amazing creative spaces. Any also of those like me that may have shoved the mess to the side and cropped the picture. 😄

Our Show and Share time was also quite an amazing adventure. So many talents and creativity. Check out our hard work below.


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Save the Date

Baltimore MQG September meeting
9/13/2020        1:30-3:30pm EST
Check your email the day before 
or the 'members only section' for the link

Charity Quilt Curved Block Donations
due  September 30th
Please click HERE for details
Susan B is organizing and she wants to remind everyone 
any curved theme block is accepted, but please check the description for the block size