Spring is in the air this March. So far 2020 has been very busy for our guild. There were four main events in the March meeting: Timna Tarr speaking, charity quilt reveal, one word challenge quilt reveal, and show & share. See below for some of the highlights.
Timna Tarr Speaker and Visit: Timna came all the way from Massachusetts to provide a "Map Quilt" workshop on Saturday and to speak at our guild meeting on Sunday. Timna is a professional long-arm quilter, but her personal quilts are also spectacular. She explained her fascination with squares, circles, and color. Here are some of her amazing works below.
One Word Quilt Challenge- This month was the big reveal for the One Word Quilt Challenge. This challenge was a follow-up from our January mini-clinic on different methods of displaying text on quilts. Our members were creative using stitching, applique, piecing, and painting. The quilts of all sizes showed a variety of talent and creativity.
Read below for details about each chosen word. See if you can match it to the artist
Breath - Kathy P. - This word reminds me of this
essential tool in my toolbox for keeping anxiety at bay. It was her first time
doing improv, inspired by Chawne Kimber
Breathe - Sue W.- The word breathe is a reminder for
me to take a moment during stressful times of my day at work. I plan to hang
this above my desk.
Clarity - Laura B. - I am focusing on refining my
life, particularly my sewing life to only contain what is right for me and my
Confidence - Emily S. - I chose confidence
because I’m a new quilter and because I struggle with imposter syndrome at
work, especially since returning after having my daughter. Used paper piecing,
hand-written made fabric, and free motion writing and quilting.
Finish - Daniela S. - I chose Finish because my goal
for 2020 is to finish my UFO’s. I also included a mini UFO on a finish line to
represent my goal.
Focus - Jane S. I chose focus so I can have the quilt
there to remind me to keep with something until it’s complete
Freedom - Janine F - I have
struggled with “internal” freedom and felt creativity is central to who I am
Grit - Marisa K - I chose grit because it is how I
work every day. I dig in hard and
hopefully make something better each day.
Injustice - Ruthie G. - This quilt is part of a block
of the month with the National Quilt Museum.
There was controversy over including it because it was created by a
social action group, making a statement about Trayon Martin.
Janteloven - Jenn P. A Scandinavian word meaning to
not strive for perfection, don’t be boastful or try to better than anyone else.
Justice - Sue T. - I chose justice because I am
particularly concerned with environmental, social, economic, and criminal
justice reform in the US and around the world and wanted to highlight it.
Kind - Susan B - Because I think kindness should be
the norm. Bee Kind!
Mercy - Jeff P. - The song “Mercy Now” by Mary
Gauthier pretty much says it all
Moxie - Mega B - I chose moxie because it represents
the way I want to approach all aspects of life.
Lots of firsts in the quilt: first mini quilt, FPP letters, improv
background, non vertical line quilting, more than one color thread
Piano - Marsha B. - I am a retired music teacher and
my instrument is the piano. Being retired, now I can play whatever I want and
am enjoying playing new music and music I have played for years.
Retired - Phyllis C. - I retired 2 days ago so this
was foremost in my mind. The background
is a bicycle chain which I hope to do more of in retirement. Bicycling – not
bike repair.
Savage - Megan P. - After a difficult year last year
I have really thought about putting my own artistic goals first this year and
making my own goals a priority. I’m read
to “attack” my goals and I’m all “charged” up and ready for action!
Thankful - Connie R. - I did my work in
Hebrew. It is the first word you say
when you wake up in the morning.
Vote -Barbara S. - I believe that Americans,
regardless of their political views should speak up through the ballot box.
Vote and *%@#! – Susie M. – I chose vote because I
feel like this election is one of the most important regarding women’s rights,
note the reference to The Handmaid’s Tale. I chose a coded curse word
because that is how I feel sometimes when making a mistake in sewing
Woodlea - Mary S. - Means by the woods, my favorite things to do is walk through the woods – it is my happy place.

Show and Share - Our members have been very busy. See below for all of the amazing talent our members have together.
Monica made 4 amazing quilts recently. She made a charity quit, two matching fox quilts for twins, and a charity quilt
Jenn used fabric from a guild to make a donated charity quilt (HST pictured)
Susie finished her crab quilt improvised from last year's members only workshop and pattern.
Phylis J. finished the top of her grid design quilt
Laura B- made a 3in triangle from a class that she took. Laura also used half rectangles. This quilt is donated to Head Start
Pat S. completed a block of the month quit with half square
triangles. With the left overs from the half square triangles she made a bonus pillow
that she is donating to bingo!
Ruthie G. finished a Woodstock quilt challenge for her
first quilt. In her 2nd quilt she used a mat using marine vinyl and used fusion to add the colors
along with mod podge and polyurethane; she also made a matching toaster cover!
Phyllis C. made a baby quilt for a friend from high
school for her granddaughter named Violet.
Kim F sewed a charity quilt
Sarah L. took a straight line quilting class from quilt
con, she also took a precision piecing class for her second quilt
Jane bought some fabric in Florida and made a wonky circle style quilt
Amy V. made a lunch box, the pattern was bought on Etsy
Janine F. finished a quilt her mom made by completing the
binding (see squares on point below) She also made a black a blue quilt for her husband (not pictured)
Daniela finished her book quilt and made into a quillow for
her daughter. It is an Angela Pingel design
Emily completed her 2 mini quilts, a heart and flower
Elizabeth T started her quilt 5 years ago and now it is finished!! (far bottom left, blue with interlocking "watches")
Susan B. completed her white and green quilt that was made of a neighbor's grandchild
Barbara used fabric and pattern from quilty box; this is her
first big modern quilting project
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